Thank you for joining us at our summer camp! Stay tuned for details on our Winter Camp
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Frequently Asked Questions
Q: When does the skating season start and end?
A: Typically, the season runs from the end of September to the end of March.
Q: Do I have to register for the entire season?
A: Yes. Skating programs cover the entire skating season.
Q: What is the Carnival about?
A: The Carnival is a celebration of the hard work the skaters have done throughout the season. It takes place at the end of March. All skaters take part in a program, donning costumes, and skating to music.
Q: Does the club have a bulletin board where I can find information about what is going on?
A: Yes, there are two. One is located on the lower level near the arena office and the other is located in the entrance hall as you enter the arena. The best source of information will be our Website and Facebook which is updated regularly.
Q: What are the fees?
A: Fees for the season can be found under ONLINE REGISTRATION. All CanSkate programs cover ice and coaching fees. The StarSkate program has additional private and/or semi-private lesson fees determined by the your coach.
Q: Is there a volunteer commitment to the club during the season?
A: Yes. A $500 bond cheque is required at the first skating lesson. Should you fulfil your volunteer commitment during the season, your bond cheque will be destroyed. If not, your bond cheque will be cashed. Volunteer opportunities include The Year End Carnival and the Competition.
Q: Does my child need to wear a helmet?
A: All CanSkaters must wear a helmet up to and including level 5. Once they have passed level 5 they have the option of skating without a helmet.
Q: When do private lessons start?
A: Private lessons generally begin when your child enters the StarSkate program but can be added to CanSkate Plus. Additional costs are associated with private lessons.
Q: Can I get on the ice surface to be with my child?
A: No. Parents cannot participate on the ice for liability reasons. The Skate Canada fee includes insurance while your child is on the ice.
Q: What is the minimum age that I can register my child in the OFSC?
A: We have found that kids do best in our programs when they are over the age of 3 at time of registration.
Q: Do we have to wear masks?
A: Masks are permitted but not mandatory.
Q: Can parents watch during the class?
A: They may watch as long as they follow all posted signage.
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